BUYER'S JOURNEY VIDEOS: New Home Professionals


The Service (Quote from the "Code V" Video Script): "New Home Professionals provides coaching to fast-track home ownership. Let us help you take the stress out of buying or building your own new home! Our experience and unique strategies will help you secure your own home sooner ... We’ve developed 22 different strategies to help unlock home ownership for everyday Australians!"

The Challenge: New Home Professionals have an industry-leading value proposition, and are set to completely dominate the industry. However, the value of the service and the strategies NHP brings to the table are often complex. Also, there are many competitors in this market, so the sales and education process tends to be long. Strategic Videos were produced to inspire prospects through each stage of their buyer's journey, to achieve the following:

  • Position NHP as the industry leading provider
  • Make the process FEEL simple for the viewer
  • Overcome main objections
  • Educate prospects through their buyer's journey

The videos are designed to be shown strategically at each stage of the sales cycle, as well as being shown sequentially using Facebook Ads.

Philip StClair, New Home Professionals' CEO said: "Visionary Digital Studios – have provided a fantastic service over several months, our project was a reasonable size so it took time to flesh out copy, story boards, slides, animations and voice overs ... they weren't the cheapest, but they provided great value, and a fantastic result in the end. I felt Sanjay understood the goal, plan and vision. So it was easy to move forward.The review and editing process was impressive which allowed us to quickly get on the same page. Sanjay and his team delivered above and beyond. We highly recommend Visionary, they took difficult concepts and helped to make a simple 2d for our story and service at New Home Professionals. Pleased we took the journey with Visionary and will be using them again in the future!"  

VIDEO 1: Overview of Unique Value Proposition

The first video was designed to be launched through the New Home Professionals website, as well as being used at conferences, in proposals and throughout NHP's marketing campaigns. It gives a high level explanation of the concept for decision-makers, and subtly positions NHP ahead of their competition, in a crowded market.

VIDEO 2: Pre-approval journey

The 2nd video breaks down the pre-approval process. The process seems complex or the audience - but the animation makes it FEEL simple. In NHP's advertising campaigns, once the audience watches 25% of VIDEO 1, they start seeing VIDEO 2. This video can also be shown during the initial sales presentation, or sent after an initial call, to position the next call.

VIDEO 3: Comparison

The 3rd video is very strategic, designed to inspire the audience into making a decision quickly. The narrative shows our audience, in easy-to-understand factual numbers, what the cost of not making an immediate decision is. This is shown to a viewer once they have indicated interest and understood the NHP approval process.

VIDEO 4: Objections breakdown

This video takes the main objections that NHP prospects typically make, and strategically breaks them down. The video is non-abrasive though - friendly and easy to consume. This is shown to a prospect before they are asked to make a decision as to whether they will go ahead. During the sales cycle, the video can be shown to prospects using Facebook Ads retargetting.

VIDEO 5: Referrals

This video sells the referral process to the audience. It is shown after the prospect has already become a buyer.

Notice that it is brand consistent in visuals, soundtrack and voice - the audience has been taken through the NHP journey from lead -> prospect -> customer -> referral partner.

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