Powerful Animated Videos Will...

Shorten Your Sales Cycle, Generate QUALIFIED Leads & Explain Your Service To C-Level Decision-Makers

If you're an established company with annual revenues of 500k-5m++ ...

Strategic Video Marketing Systems will communicate the REAL value your service offers, to every decision-maker. Once they TRULY UNDERSTAND the benefits, they will be ready to speak to your sales team. And you won't have to explain your service over and over again to every single new lead.

Book My Discovery Call


What Will You Get Out Of Your Discovery Call?  

  • We'll design a customised Explainer Video Marketing System for your desired business results, and explain exactly how it will work.
  • You'll understand the leads and sales generation results you can REALISTICALLY expect from a Visionary Video Marketing strategy.
  • We'll design 3 - 4 solution options for your business and provide a quote for each.
Book My Discovery Call

Visionary Explainer Video Examples:

IF ONLY EVERY PROSPECT Truly Understood The VALUE Your Business Could Bring Them...

When you have a complex tech service that delivers amazing results, it’s challenging to describe the REAL value of your offering in a way that decision-makers TRULY understand.

Explaining your service over and over to new leads is exhausting. (Especially when they aren't qualified from the start!)

You waste a lot of time in long in-person meetings or Zoom calls.

It’s a struggle to boil down your solution into a simple pitch that a non-technical decision maker can understand.

As a result you have long sales cycles, requiring lots of effort to close deals.

WHAT IF YOU HAD A Video Strategy That Explained Your Service POWERFULLY To Every Decision-Maker?

Professional Animated Videos allow you to easily explain the value of your service to ANYONE. Powerfully.  

The Visionary Team will craft strategic videos that EMOTIONALLY INSPIRE your decision-makers at different stages of their buyer's journey.

You'll embed the videos into your website, marketing, presentations and social media. Now prospects will understand EXACTLY how your service will benefit them.

Next ... we can implement your video in targeted Social Media Advertising campaigns to generate a consistent stream of qualified leads and continually educate your prospects throughout the sales cycle.

(We used the same strategies to bring you to this page right now!)  

Sound good?

Book a Discovery Call with a Visionary Video Strategist to learn about how you can use video to grow your business.

More Visionary Client Experiences ...

 The project team at Visionary Digital Studies is by the far the most professional and reliable service I have experienced. The response to the video we created has been nothing short of excellent leading to presentations to new potential clients with 7 days of the video being launched. It is rare to engage external services for projects and on completion is sit back and think 'That is the best value for money I have ever spent.'- Craig Doran, CEO, COMtrac  


"Sanjay and team were great throughout the process and provided good clarity, structure and communication throughout the experience.

A great outcome for us and easy to work with." - Paul Roddis, Director, Accenture  

"Being a complex enterprise solution, it’s hard to boil down our message into a simple, easy to understand pitch. Painful explaining it to every new person! I needed video as a conversion tool, and to get our messaging on point. Our target market is highly analytical and detail oriented. We lose credibility if the messaging is wrong. Visionary Digital Studios have helped us with these issues by producing powerful videos for OviDrive.  

From our very first meeting with Visionary, they focussed on building a relationship and being open, transparent, and genuine. In contrast other agencies were only focused on closing a sale.

We're using our videos mainly during lead gen, and also for social media. Now we can get our message out quick, simply and effectively - instead of going through 2 meetings, a demo, a phone call ... In our current LinkedIn campaign - using the video, on the first day I already had 2 demos booked!  

Thanks Mel, Sanjay & The Visionary Team!" - Irwan Iriks, OviDrive's Chief Growth Officer

"When it comes to vision, there's some who don't get it, others who do; and then there's a special few who not only get it, they grow it. This was my experience with Visionary Digital Studios who brought substance, life, simplicity and integrity to our explainer.  

The difference between VDS and the rest is their rare combination of business sense, artistic skill and technical competence, allowing them to produce a perfect communication vehicle that's fit for market.  

A year on, the explainer remains a jewel in the crown of our site, with its strong production values and clear narrative shining through." - David Ballantyne, HomeFront Australia's CEO  

"We have a very complex high-tech service that needs to be simplified before our target market can understand it, and be in a position to make a buying decision. This can take long conversations, often in-person. Makes it quite a long sales cycle.  

We worked with Visionary to create a Visionary Explainer Video which explains the concept and provides credibility for our business. Now, when we speak to leads they are qualified, understand our service and impressed by our brand.

Highly recommend Visionary! Right from the first calls with Mel and Sanjay, I knew they had the solutions I was looking for.. Their expertise, professionalism and friendliness as marketers was spot on (and I've worked with a few agencies in the past).  

Thanks Team Visionary!" - Brad Henderson, MediTours' Director


“Passionate about their work and the results reflect that. Fantastic customer service with clear and regular updates on progress. Made the whole thing easy.” - Richard Harris, Managing Director, ADMA  

Examples That Are Achieving Results For Our Clients Right Now...  

Ready To Achieve Similar Results In Your Business?

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Contact Us. AU: 1300 799 652