B2B LIVE ACTION VIDEOS: Inspire Trust From Decision-Makers By Telling The Stories Of Your People & Your Client Success

Show B2B decision-makers the results you are achieving for your clients using powerful Live Action Explainer , Testimonial or Case Study videos. Educate your audience and build trust through Live Action educational content. If prospects can see your customers talking about your work ... And if they experience you educating them about your service ... they will choose YOU over your competitors.

Book My Discovery Call


What Will You Get Out Of Your Discovery Call?  

  • We'll map out a customised Live Action Video strategy for your desired business results, and explain exactly how it will work.
  • You'll understand the leads and sales generation results you can REALISTICALLY expect from your Live Action Videos.
  • We'll design 3 - 4 solution options for your business and provide a quote for each

Client Work & Examples:

What Customers Say After Working With The Visionary Team:

 "When it comes to vision, there's some who don't get it, others who do; and then there's a special few who not only get it, they grow it. This was my experience with Visionary Digital Studios who brought substance, life, simplicity and integrity to our explainer. The difference between VDS and the rest is their rare combination of business sense, artistic skill and technical competence, allowing them to produce a perfect communication vehicle that's fit for market. A year on, the explainer remains a jewel in the crown of our site, with its strong production values and clear narrative shining through." - David Ballantyne, HomeFront Australia's CEO  

 “I liked the fact that you were an Australian based company, with local presence. I was impressed that The Visionary Team really understood our marketing objectives even after a quick phone call. The Z-CARD Animated explainer video was a perfect addition to our whole marketing strategy. The Visionary Team was organised, dynamic and extremely knowledgeable not just in animation video creation but in the whole digital marketing process. This company is going places fast!” - Rodney Serhan, Managing Director, Z-CARD

"The team at Visionary are always a pleasure to work with. I think one of their greatest skills is the ability to take the ideas you have about your own company and product, and boil that down to a more easily digestible message about the benefits you offer your target market. This is second only to their passion for delivering good outcomes to clients – throughout the project, and in the ongoing support, it’s clear that quality and getting things right really matter"
- Harry Morrow, Portfolio Analyst, Loftus Peak  

 “The Visionary Team are simply brilliant and professional. It is so refreshing to work with professionals that put the effort into understanding their client's needs. Loved working with Sanjay. Nothing is ever too difficult or too much of a problem. I love the positive attitude, it is truly refreshing. Thank you so much.” - Maurice Flores, Managing Director of Nesters Australia  


“Passionate about their work and the results reflect that. Fantastic customer service with clear and regular updates on progress. Made the whole thing easy.” - Richard Harris, Managing Director, ADMA  


"Sanjay and the team are really professional and they deliver on their promises. A great addition to our marketing arsenal and looking forward to attracting the right prospects to our growing advisory business." - Nikolas Ahkin, Director, FBZ Advisory  

“Our experience with Visionary Digital Studios could not have been better. We needed a nice animation to go with our website and for marketing purposes of our solution and the Visionary Digital Studios team delivered the product smoothly and in a timely manner” - Mathew Kochummen, Co-Founder, Executive Eye


If you have a complex IT or tech service, your prospects often have a long customer journey before they become customers.  

At the same time, they are also speaking to your competitors and interacting with your competitors' content.  

In this era of business, it's so important that you're building relationships and educating your prospects BEFORE the sale.  

Live Action videos do this perfectly, because your audience can see your success stories and meet your team BEFORE they work with you, all from the comfort of their own office.

WHAT IF YOU HAD Strategic Live Action Videos That Inspired Credibility & Trust In Every Prospect?

Visionary Live Action Videos allow your prospects to experience your customers speaking about your service.  

Or, Live Action Educational content empowers your prospects to meet your sales and delivery team BEFORE they decide to buy.  

So, when it's time to choose which vendor to buy from, they will naturally FEEL more trust with your brand and your people.  

When deciding whether or not to buy, they'll understand your credibility because they have seen your results and been educated by your expertise.

As a result, you'll have higher conversion rates, you'll win more tenders and you'll see a faster customer journey from lead to sale.

Examples That Are Achieving Results For Our Clients Right Now...  

Ready To Achieve Similar Results In Your Business?

“I believe that if you show people the problems and you show people the solutions, they will be moved to act.” - Bill Gates

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Contact Us. AU: 1300 799 652