Get Grants Online Advertising

Before Get Grants' service deadline, we launched a Visionary Online Advertising campaign, using LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads and Get Grants' Visionary Explainer Video. The campaign was producing leads WITHIN THE FIRST DAY, with ongoing leads produced at 33% of the campaign target lead price ...

The Challenge

When we first started the campaign, Get Grants had only weeks before the final lodgement deadline of the Grants service they provide to clients. They already had 2 x Visionary Explainer Videos produced and wanted to leverage them to generate as many leads as possible before the final lodgement date.

From there, they wanted to continue developing the pipeline for their sales team.


Campaign Build

In this campaign, we designed LinkedIn Lead Gen ads. We optimised the Get Grants Visionary Explainer Video so it took up the most possible room on the LinkedIn newsfeed. Ads were very precisely targeted to decision-makers of the right company size - to ensure we could start generating leads as quickly as possible.

Once leads signed up for a call with Get Grants, they were directed to a piece of content so they could be educated while waiting for their call.

Once the initial campaign was proven successful, we expanded to target decision-makers from bigger companies, Australia-wide, for multiple Get Grants products.

Melissa Sequira, Get Grants' Marketing Director said:

 "When we launched this campaign we were initially looking to achieve 2 new sales quickly, before our deadline - with ongoing leads generated from there. I loved how Visionary took control of the situation right from the start. Using their process, they coached us towards the final outcome. It gave us confidence we were putting our efforts and dollars in the right place. Now we're continuing our relationship with an always-on campaign to keep the flow of leads coming and our backlog full."  

Results Produced

The initial campaign (top screenshot) was an instant success, generating leads from the very first day. The campaign produced ongoing leads at $50 - $100. These "leads" were phone calls with Directors and C-Suite decision-makers of companies that had between 2 - 50 employees.

Get Grants' average sale price is 7 - 20k, making the lead cost well worth it. This campaign is currently ongoing across Get Grants' range of services.

Visionary Client Avatar

To guide the marketing campaigns and ensure they attract the best possible prospects, we strategised, and then documented, a Client Avatar:

Book Your Discovery Call To Learn:  

  • --> We'll show you the B2B Digital Marketing roadmap you need for your business goals, and we'll explain exactly how it will work in your sales process.
  • --> You'll understand the leads and sales generation results you can REALISTICALLY expect from a Visionary Digital Sales solution.
  • --> We'll design 2 - 3 solution options for your business and provide a quote for each.
  • -- > We'll give you the opportunity to start with a small impactful project so you can make sure we walk the walk, before we partner long term.

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