The Visionary B2B Roadmapping Process

Let’s skip the usual long, uncertain proposal decision-making process.

Instead, together we’ll design and document a world-class B2B digital strategy that will achieve your project vision. Plus, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of campaign economics, project schedules and strategic content specification. 

Once you have certainty on your strategy, and have experienced working with our methodologies, you can decide whether it’s worth proceeding into the full project.

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Experience Visionary's B2B Methodologies: without budget risk

You’ll work closely with our Director, Sanjay Shah. He’ll show you the digital strategies leaders in your space are executing, based on real-world experience with your peers. Then we’ll tailor a strategy for your specific project vision.

The Visionary “B2B Roadmapping Session” runs for 2 hours+ as well as guided preparation tasks to hone your thinking. After the process, we’ll document a market leading, tailored B2B Marketing roadmap and show you how to get there.

Oh and BTW – if you choose to have Visionary execute the project, the investment for the B2B Roadmapping Process is subtracted from your campaign build fee. If you choose not to work with us – you’ll have a very well-documented plan and deep insights into what you need to do in future.

Clarity on outcomes and bottlenecks

We’ll define realistic 3 – 6 month short-term goals, as well as a long-term vision based on your specific KPIs. Those metrics will be realistic, based on the real-world results we are already producing for similar companies. 

We’ll also document the marketing plan, campaign economics, project schedule and exact content deliverables you’ll need to create to achieve your project goals.

By the end of the process you’ll understand exactly how you need to move forward to compete in your industry – whether you execute with or without Visionary.

Detailed content spec and launch strategy

During your Visionary B2B Roadmapping Session, we’ll define the digital content styles that will be required- including videos, websites, online ads, longform social media and/or white papers. 

Then we’ll  show you how to put that strategised digital content in front of the right, highly targeted decision-makers and take them on a buyer’s journey through your marketing and sales cycles.

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B2B Marketing Roadmap

You will receive an ‘actual’ project plan. It will give you a roadmap on how to execute your vision in the real world, how long each step takes an what skillsets you will require. 

The project plan will give you an excellent understanding of what’s involved in a project like yours, and all the moving parts you should be aware of.

The intent is that you can self-execute the project by hiring the right skillsets, if absolutely necessary.

B2B Campaign Economics

 Understanding the campaign economics of B2B advertising is one of the most important – and profound – parts of a successful project. And one of the biggest reasons companies struggle with B2B marketing is because honest, open discussions about campaign economics are often neglected before starting.

During your Visionary B2B Roadmapping Process, we’ll go deep and talk through ad spend, ROI metrics, revenue, profit, customer lifetime value… and how they should be tracked.

We’ll really get into the numbers here – leveraging our similar case studies and real world experience to place you ahead of the curve before you even get started.

Project investment options

Finally, we’ll define 2-3 options for having Visionary execute the full project, based on the agreed deliverables, strategies and outcomes. Your investment options will be a fixed monthly price with the options generally ranging between $2,000 – $15,000 per month.

Your commitment can be as little as 1 month for a small project or a maximum project length of 6 months for larger project visions.
We don’t use any silly marketing agency pressure sales tactics. 
If you want to execute your project vision with us, we’ll have everything ready to execute. If you’d rather take the project in-house, or execute with another agency, that’s fine too. At this stage, you’re considered a customer regardless, and we’ll treat like gold as we do all of our clients.

Hear it from our clients ...

If you’re unsure whether the Visionary B2B Roadmapping Process is worth your time, get a gauge on the impact we’re creating in any of these ways:

… or learn about our work via our Instagram and Facebook pages.

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"Visionary B2B Roadmapping Session"