When we meet new clients at Visionary, sometimes they don’t yet understand the power of professional marketing to completely revolutionise their business …

At Visionary, our own marketing is designed very specifically to attract “visionary” clients to work with us – those who deliver a much more complex value proposition than their competitors.

If you are one of these “visionary ” clients – then conveying your value proposition in a way that your online audience truly understands is so CRITICAL for your success.

When I say “understand”, I don’t just mean logically. I mean at a deep emotional level.

A level that inspires buying decisions.

In the modern age, almost all services have already been commoditised to some extent. So the power belongs to your target market who quickly and easily compare you with your competitors online, before deciding who to buy from.

So if you aren’t communicating your REAL value well, you’ll lose sales, regardless of whether you are the best fit to help that prospect.

At the start of your project, the Visionary Strategy Session is designed to give you ideas and “ahas” about the way you present your services to the world. The questions we’ll discuss are very specifically crafted so that together, we can come up with the most powerful marketing angles possible.


Your service is simply better than your competitors, right?

If your service is more professional, and more valuable than your competitors … If your vision is to be a leader in your industry …  

Then chances are you have competitors that are providing MUCH LESS service and inferior value than you. And therefore, they are able to charge much cheaper prices.

So if your prospects aren’t understanding the REAL value your business can bring them, they won’t choose you. They’ll go with your cheaper, inferior competitor. And everyone loses.

(well, except your cheap competitor!).

On the other hand – if you’re providing unique value and setting yourself apart from others in your industry … Not only in the service you deliver but also in your processes, staff, customer experiences and your MARKETING… Your cheaper competitors actually make your service MORE rare and MORE valuable in your industry.

Innovative professionals like to work with other innovative professionals.



How Do You Convey Your Service In A Way That Inspires Buying Decisions?

The key is to know your target audience at a deep level.

A timeless sales and marketing adage states that if you can articulate your prospect’s problems better than they can themselves, they will naturally assume you have the solution.

But this isn’t just a sales “trick”. If you’ve really taken the time to understand your prospects at a deep level – then you should authentically understand how to provide them the most possible value.

Your service will be specifically designed for their needs in every way possible.

And if you have that much passion and enthusiasm to help your target market – your cheaper competitors simply won’t be able to compete.

In your marketing, when you are communicating your service in a way that conveys a deep understanding of your prospect, every prospect you meet will feel an EMOTIONAL connection with your brand.



How Well Do You Understand Your Target Market?

Nearly every client we speak to at Visionary has a good answer when we ask them to describe their perfect client! But often they haven’t thought about it in enough detail.

At Visionary, we call this detail “specificity”.

To create truly inspirational marketing, you need to be aware of much more than just your prospect’s company size and revenue.

Here are some examples of other aspects a professional marketing agency will consider when crafting messages to your target market:

 – Who are the key decision-makers as individuals?

 – Why do they do their work? What do they want to experience in their life?

 – What frustrations are they feeling on a day to day basis?

 – What words and phrases do they use in their business life?

 – What is the deep, underlying emotional reasons for their business frustrations?

 – If you solved these frustrations, how would their life change? How would their family be impacted? How would their vision be realised?

 – What alternative solutions are they considering?

 – Who else influences their decisions?

 – Where do they get their knowledge and advice?

 (… and way too many more questions to include in one article!)

Once you have taken the time to understand your audience, you can document your knowledge in a Client Avatar, so that all future marketing campaigns attract this exact type of client to your business.


Frame Your Offering In A Way That Speaks To The Problems and Desires of your prospect

At Visionary, we use a set of techniques and formulas to create super-effective marketing – we’ve collectively named this framework “Code V”.

“Code V” is how we craft strategic Animation or Live Action video scripts for our clients. But it’s also the framework we use to design their websites, landing pages, Google, LinkedIn and Facebook campaigns and, well, every other piece of marketing we work on for them.

Above all, “Code V” ensures that we are always thinking about the target market and how we bring value to THEIR lives … Instead of focussing on what we think is great about our services.

Learn more about how these techniques are implemented in our clients’ video campaigns here , in our clients’ social media campaigns here, and in our clients’ Digital Advertising campaigns here.


How Does This All Come Together?

If you’re reading this far into the article … chances are YOU are part of our target market!

… one of the “visionary” clients our services are specifically designed to help.

If you’re nodding your head (even on the inside!) as you read the article, it’s because we’ve worked hard to understand business leaders just like you, and how we can best serve you.

That’s the impact of great marketing.

Make no mistake, marketing is a key differentiator between average businesses and industry leaders.

For a real world example of how these principles come together – we’ve broken down the exact marketing science and “Code V” techniques behind our own Visionary Explainer Video here:

 Visionary Digital Studios Visionary Explainer Video Script

And if you’d like to see plenty of our client examples, and learn more about their experiences, check out more examples of our projects here!
